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Now we have a model that we partner with an insurance company, and the insurance company gives us some money first, and we have to use those funds to do proactive preventive care for our patients. If we do that well, and the patient doesn‘t get sick, we share the remainder of the premium with the insurance company. We’re happy because we‘ve made a profit. The insurance company is happy and our patient is the happiest because we’ve kept them well.


And I think it‘s fair to say that this has been one of the messiest and least well conducted, political processes in British political history. And in fact, I think when the history books are written, it will be quite instructive for the whole rest of the world, about how not to do something.

2005.02-2006.04 北京市建设委员会委员2006.04-2009.03 北京市建设委员会党组成员、委员2009.03-2013.01 北京市住房和城乡建设委员会党组成员、副主任2013.01-2014.01 北京市第五期区县局级领导干部研修班学员


