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谢谢。I’m very delighted to have been asked to come this afternoon. We‘ve had technical discussion about Brexit upstairs. I want to talk in a wider way about it.


Today, we have not only built the largest private, international standard healthcare platform in China, but we have made a positive impact on millions of our own patients, and also demonstrated the efficacy of our new concepts and new ideas in the larger society.


I will never forget the life-changing moment that we brought the first real-time ultrasound machine to show the Chinese doctors. We assembled five hundred obstetricians in Beijing to see and learn about this technology. I noticed that tears of excitement and happiness emerged on the faces of these doctors as they saw something that before that they could only feel with their hands or here with the stethoscope, they could all of a sudden see in real-time what a fetus was like and the viability of that fetus. They were able to envision a revolutionary change in their practice as they began to use this type of technology.

