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And in the EU they‘re very concerned with the damage that they fear that Brexit may do to the EU. But I don’t think anybody really is talking about whether this somehow effects geopolitics and the relationship between the east and the west.

Actually, sometimes Chinese people call our industry the medical industry or “yiliao”, but actually we’d like to think of it as healthcare. And we’d like to focus on both sides of that word. Health, meaning “jiankang”, and care meaning “aihu”.

And in a similar way in Europe, and particularly in the UK, we have distracted ourselves by concerning ourselves with this internal shift.


责任编辑:杨希破除银行资本约束 疏通货币政策传导机制来源:经济参考报□张莫近一段时间以来,监管部门积极出台新政,为银行补充资本提供便利。破除银行面临的资本约束、缓解资本补充压力,进而疏通货币政策传导机制,推动金融服务实体经济已经成为当前金融系统的一项重要工作。

Thank you!关于讲者李碧菁和睦家医疗创始人、CEO李碧菁女士是和睦家医疗总裁,创始人。她有着超过40年在中国医疗健康领域的丰富经验。李碧菁女士是中国第一家外资私立医疗的创始人,在中国开创了“和睦家”这一拥有国际医疗服务、管理模式和服务理念的医疗品牌。经过20年的发展,和睦家医疗在北京、上海、天津、广州、青岛、杭州等地设有医院和诊所,为民众提供高质量的医疗服务。2016年,和睦家医疗被中国经营报评为“最值得信赖医疗品牌”。
