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The city of London is the most important financial center in Europe, and one of the three most important financial centers in the world. In order for it to continue to be of great importance, those firms that are located in London will need to be able to go on doing business from London in Europe. They will only be able to do that if the financial services regulatory arrangements in London are recognized as equivalent by the European Union in just the same way that the European Union recognizes the regulations of the sec in New York as equivalent to EU regulation. So it‘s very unlikely that even our financial services regulation will diverge very far from EU financial services regulation.

任正非BBC采访:我们将在英国进行更多投资任正非:决不从事任何间谍活动 否则我就关闭这家公司(观察者网讯)美国近来不断渲染华为的“威胁”,并施压其盟友抵制。美国国务卿蓬佩奥此次的中东欧之行,每到一站也都不忘抹黑华为。但是,就在2月17日,英国方面突然传来消息,称5G网络使用华为通讯设备所产生的风险是可控的,一下打击了美国劝说盟友的努力。

And then a year later, I went back to the United States to deliver my own first baby. And the contrast in the experience was so vast that I felt something had to be done to bring some new ideas around the birthing experience to China. Well, then it occurred to me maybe we needed new ideas around the whole concept of healthcare delivery in China.
